Lisa Loeb fanlisting


Welcome to the TFL-approved fanlisting for the musical artist Lisa Loeb, the first artist to have a #1 single while she wasn't signed to a recording company.

A fanlisting is a place where fans of a certain subject can be listed together, to see how many other fans are around. There are other purposes, as well, but that's the basic one. More fanlistings can be found at


last updated: February 1, 2025
member count: 122
pending members: 0
newest members: Jeidai
added: February 28, 2024
general news


The three requirements to be listed are your name, your e-mail address, and your country of residence.

Not required is a site. But if you want it listed, put up a code somewhere easily located on your site. You link me, I link you. It's only fair.


Codes are located here