Welcome to the TFL-approved fanlisting for the French artist Camille Claudel.
A fanlisting is a place where fans of a subject can be listed together, to see how many other fans are around. There are other purposes, as well, but that's the basic one. More fanlistings can be found at
Camille Claudel worked mainly in sculpture. She was most known as Auguste Rodin's lover, but has become more recognized as a sculptor in her own right.
last update: February 1, 2025 (no new members)
member count: 4, from 3 countries
pending members: 0
newest members: Jeidai
added: December 4, 2022

Required to get added to the list:
- Name or plausible nickname
- E-mail (for your password)
- Country of residence
To have a website listed with the rest of your information, a link to this site is required, in an easily accessed place.